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Isleham Red Lion
009 - Copy
Sun Street with Rising Sun Public House
033 - Copy
millstreet1903a - Copy
  Mill Street 1873.jpg - Mill Street 1873 The baker named Pettit standing opposite his shop, then Jeffrey's butcher's shop, the Crown Inn, the Cock Inn (thatched and gable end to the road)the Doctors house and at the bottom, the Bell Inn with it's thatched roof, where the Co Op stands today.  
Mill Street 1890
Mill Street 1900
village green 1912009
Isleham Pound Lane 1890 copy

 Mill Street 1873 The baker named Pettit standing opposite his shop, then Jeffrey's butcher's shop, the Crown Inn, the Cock Inn (thatched and gable end to the road)the Doctors house and at the bottom, the Bell Inn with it's thatched roof, where the Co Op stands today. Download Original Image
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